Visitor Visas

If you are thinking of visiting the UK for business, for leisure, to see family or for private medical treatment, you will need to apply for a Visitor visa. It allows you to remain in the UK for up to 6 months and depending on the reason for your visit, you may be able to extend your stay for longer.

There can sometimes be a lot of confusion over who can and cannot apply for a Visitor visa. Here at Expert Law, our team will assess your needs and support you through the entire process.

Who is eligible for a Visitor visa?

Before you apply for a Visitor visa you must be able to show that you:

  • Will leave the UK once your visit is finished
  • Can support yourself and any dependents while in the UK
  • Are able to pay for your journey back out of the UK
  • Will not live in the UK for extended periods or make it your main home

You will need to apply for a Visitor visa if you are from outside the European Economic Area (EEA). The earliest you can apply is 3 months before you travel, and a decision is usually made by the Home Office within 3 weeks of submission, although there can sometimes be delays.

Our immigration solicitors can help you identify the documentation needed to apply for a Visitor visa and make the process easier to manage.

What can you do with a Visitor visa?

You can apply for a Visitor visa if you want to come to the UK to:

  • Conduct business activities (such as attending a meeting or interview)
  • Enjoy a holiday or vacation
  • Visit family or friends 
  • Study, do a placement or take an exam
  • Work as a senior doctor, dentist or academic 
  • Take part in a school exchange programme
  • Arrange private medical treatment 
  • Pass through the UK to another country
  • Volunteer for up to 30 days with a registered charity 
  • Do a recreational course of up to 30 days 

If you are visiting the UK to study, work or for medical reasons, there are additional eligibility requirements that need to be met. The Expert Law team are available to advise you on how you can meet the requirements for a Visitor visa or any other type of visa.

Why choose us?

Studying is difficult and stressful enough without the extra worry of dealing with visas and legal complications. Expert Law are specialists in this area and can support your application for a visa so you can focus on your planned move and education. We’ll help you choose the most appropriate visa based on your circumstances and will manage the entire process, so you receive the best possible outcome.

Call us today for a confidential chat on 0800 170 7070 or contact us here to see how our solicitors can help.


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